Gabriel Keresztes Al Romaani takes you on a personal journey of his struggle with faith and finding the truth in this world full of ideas, philosophies, religions and ideologies. Born into a Christian Romanian family in Europe, he would read the Bible as a young child and attend church, yet later found Islam to be the truth.
Gabriel Keresztes Al Romaani takes you on a personal journey of his struggle with faith and finding the truth in this world full of ideas, philosophies, religions and ideologies. Born into a Christian Romanian family in Europe, he would read the Bible as a young child and attend church. His grandmother taught him how to pray and how to follow the Christian teachings, but later he found himself questioning the concept of the Trinity, the misalignment between Church doctrine and Biblical text and the world view on Islam. Moving to Canada and embarking on an educational trip, he meets Kemal Smajlovic and other Muslims who do not fit the idea that he was indoctrinated during his early education in Romania. This dissonance causes him to wonder, read, research and debate on Islam. Seeing Kemal praying no matter what the situation or time, Gabriel is reminded of the prayer of Jesus in the Bible and has a change of heart. He begins to pray for guidance and truth. He leaves Christianity and starts changing his ways. He believes in God and starts fasting and praying his own way, but keeping in mind that the truth is out there. He realizes that this freedom suits him but things change one night with a vivid dream: he is stabbed to death at a party and his soul lifts towards heaven. Waking up he understands the message very clearly: "time is short and you need to find Me!" He embraces Islam and that becomes the happies moment in his life. After struggling with depression during his youth, he feels that things are about to change for the best, till he is tested in Islam with his faith, his family, his community and his mental health. The book is a summary of his struggle and many other New Muslims who come to the faith yet are not understood by their new brothers and sisters in faith, as well as by their non-Muslim families. They feel alienated and in many cases they leave Islam mostly due to social problems. Gabriel has worked with New Muslims since the beginning of his conversion; he became a Muslim Counselor, Khateeb, School Principal and Superintendant. He travelled to many Muslim countries and worked as an educational consultant. This book is his story.
I’m really grateful for Gabriel Al Romaani responding to all my Islamic questions and queries that I have .He responds to them quickly and efficiently and if I need more of an explanation to understand he doesn’t mind to at all.
Such a blessing to have a USTADH to ask direct questions too ! Such a big support for Muslims alhamdulliah
Jaskallah khayr brother
As a struggling muslimah , especially coming from a family who is non practicing, and as a single mother with no guidance, l really appreciate your responses and your untiredness to be at our service.So thank you so much for all you do. Furthermore, I really appreciate the fact that you dont beat around the bush , rather you give a straight answer ( take it or leave it ) truth is the truth .As they say once u know the truth, and that truth will set you free ( even if its bitter a d hard to accept at times )
Gabriel Al Romaani
Educational Consultant and Islamic Counsellor
Gabriel Keresztes Al Romaani is a qualified Existential Well-being and Positive Psychology counsellor.
He is the founder of and co-founder of Born in Romania to a Christian family, later migrated to Canada in 1998 where he undertook his secondary education.
After studying Islam for some years, he converted in 2003. He is a graduate of Mishkah University (USA) where he completed his Bachelors in Islamic Studies and an Associate Degree of Islam. Earlier he graduated with a double major in Biology and Psychology Neuroscience and Cognition and has also graduated from Faculty of Education (Universiry of Windsor, Canada). He has an additional qualification in Existential Well-being and Positive Psychology Couseling from the university of KU Leuven in Belgium. He is currently completing a Masters in Islamic Education and Couseling from University Malaya, Malaysia.